Monday, April 12, 2010

She loves me... she loves me not...

As promised, I have goodies for you! Well, just one for now. But more on the way...

Chrysoprase, amethyst, and sterling silver. Oxidized for character and to bring out the details. Each piece sawn and filed by hand.

I love this one.It just might be my favorite so far.

The details remind me of petals. The kind you'd pluck while chanting, "he loves me... he loves me not." Foxy said it makes her think of a propeller; at the ready to lift your soul. Either way, I like the imagery.

Don't go too far away. I've got a Chinese Turquoise necklace and some earrings in the queue.


  1. Ooooh, gorgeous!!!! And very excited to see the Chinese Turquoise! When do I get to sport some Buffalo Lucy jewelry? :) xoxo

  2. Soon! As soon as I get my shop open I'll be making something just for you! xox

  3. can't wait to see your shop! that chinese turquoise necklace sounds fabulous!

  4. ЎIncreнble! No estб claro para mн, їcуmo offen que la actualizaciуn de su nombre de


  5. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Julie Morris. Julie Morris said: She loves me... [...]

  6. Good dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

  7. Love your blog. Found you via Artsyville. This ring is to die for!!!

  8. Thank you Jane, it's one of my favorites. Glad you stumbled across my little virtual space via Aimee's lovely blog!
